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The Rainbow Edit

I am loving all the rainbows at the moment and everything they signify during these unprecedented times.  Crystal Stanley (a mum from Ipswich) has been credited with popularising the trend of rainbows during the lockdown.  She called it a sign of "positivity, hope and togetherness" during the crisis.

The Queen also recently referred to the rainbows drawn by children with reference to our national spirit.

There are so many beautiful rainbow products coming from talented small businesses that I have created a little round-up.  Small businesses do really need your support at the moment, so do pop over to browse their websites or social media if you can.

Rainbow Gift Guide Part 1

Rainbow Guide Part 2

  1. Tea Towel from Luke Drew This – gorgeous Linen rainbow drawing tea towel, £16, lukedrewthis.co.uk
  2. Rainbow Mug from Donna Crain -You Are Amazing Personalised Mug, £12, by Donna Crain at www.notonthehighstreet.com
  3. Ladies Rainbow T Shirt from Betty Bramble – gold and leopard print ladies rainbow tee, £18, BettyBramble.co.uk
  4. Rainbow Earrings from Lucy Kemp Jewellery – beautiful Sterling Silver rainbow hoops, £20, www.lucykempjewellery.co.uk
  5. Rainbow Keepsake from Periwinkle and Clay – thoughtful sending you a hug rainbow keepsake, £10.00, www.periwinkleandclay.com
  6. Family Art from This is Nessie - Personalised Family Rainbow Colour, from £17.50, thisisnessie.com
  7. Rainbow Pin from The Poppy Lane – colourful Storms Don’t Last Forever Rainbow Pin, £6, thepoppylane.co.uk
  8. Rainbow T Shirt from Percy and Nell - #staypositive T-Shirt with NHS donation, £15, percyandnell.com
  9. Rainbow Cushion from Brown Betty Blue - Personalised Baby Cushion With Rainbow, £35, brownbettyblue.co.uk
  10. Rainbow Postcard from Little Silver Leaf -Follow Your Rainbow! Happy Mail Postcard, £2, by Little Silver Leaf at www.notonthehighstreet.com
  11. Wall Hanging from Nelly’s Treasures – gorgeous Rainbow Wall decor, £16, nellystreasures.com
  12. Worry Doll from Arlo and Jude – adorable Secret Powers Worry Doll, £9, arloandjude.com
  13. Elmer Swaddle from Lil’ Cubs – limited edition Baby rainbow cotton swaddle, £20, www.lilcubs.co.uk
  14. Bunting Card from Spotty N Stripy -'Hello' Rainbow Bunting Message Card, £7 by Spotty N Stripy at www.notonthehighstreet.com
  15. FREE Download from Rory and the Bean - fabulous Be Kind wall decor, £0, www.roryandthebean.co.uk
  16. Hand and Foot Print from Hold Upon Heart – Keepsake personalised rainbow print, £20, holduponheart.co.uk
  17. Rainbow Stamp from Skull and Cross Buns – playful rainbow rubber stamp, £8, skullandcrossbuns.com
  18. Fairy Lights from Melanie Porter -gorgeous tassel rainbow fairy lights, £34, www.melanieporter.co.uk

Have a fabulous weekend x


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